unit 07

material [məˈtɪəriəl][məˈtɪəriəl]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 材料;物质;素材;资料

adj. 物质的

【形近词:】materialism, materialistic

【例】[n]素材;资料  2008年阅读新题型

Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.



materialism [məˈtɪəriəˌlɪz(ə)m]

n. 唯物主义;唯物论;实利主义;物质主义

materialistic [məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk]

adj. 物质的;唯物主义的

observe [əbˈzɜː(r)v]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 观察;看到;遵守;奉行


【例】[n]观察  2012年阅读Text 3

In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work.



observer [əbˈzɜː(r)və(r)]

n. 观察家

【例】[n]观察家  2012年阅读Text 1

The idea seems promising, and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer.




abide [əˈbaɪd]

v. 忍受;容忍;遵守

【例】[n]遵守  2012年阅读Text 2

The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.


survey [ˈsɜː(r)veɪ]

v. 调查

establish [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 建立,设立;安置,使定居;确立



establishment [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt]

n. 确立;制定;公司;机构




establish oneself in:定居于;在……落户


launch [lɔːntʃ]

v. 开展(重大活动);发起,发动(军事袭击等);推出;发布

【例】[n]推出  2014年阅读Text 3

The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, launched this year, takes an unrepresentative view of what the life sciences include.


wonder [ˈwʌndə(r)][ˈwʌndə(r)]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 诧异;奇怪;纳闷;想知道

n. 惊奇;惊异;奇迹;奇事


【例】[n]想知道  2009年完型

Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are.


【例】[n]惊奇  2011年阅读Text 4

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing?



wonderful [ˈwʌndə(r)f(ə)l]

adj. 奇妙的;极好的



no wonder:难怪;怪不得

approach [əˈprəʊtʃ][əˈprəʊtʃ]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 靠近;接近;临近

n. 方法;途径

【例】[n]方法;途径  2009年阅读新题型

Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas.




access to:接近;有权使用;通向……的入口

come up to:达到;等于

get close to:靠近;接近

grant [ɡrɑːnt][ɡrɑːnt]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 给予;授予;同意;准予

n. 补助金;拨款


【例】[n]拨款  2011年阅读新题型

The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process: federal research grants rose fourfold between 1960 and 1990, but faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll.


【例】[n]给予  2013年完型

At first glance this might seem like a strength that grant the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by external factors.



immigrant [ˈɪmɪɡrənt][ˈɪmɪɡrənt]

n. 移民;侨民

adj. 移民的;迁入的



take … for granted:想当然;认为理所当然

position [pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 位置;职位;职务;姿势;姿态;见解;立场;形式

【形近词:】positive, posture, composition, opposition, proposition, disposition

【例】[n]职位  2011年阅读Text 2

The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.


【例】[n]职位  2011年阅读Text 2

McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run.



positive [ˈpɒzətɪv]

adj. 积极的;明确的;肯定的;有益的;毋庸置疑的;(化验或试验结果)阳性的;(数字)正的;带正电的

posture [ˈpɒstʃə(r)][ˈpɒstʃə(r)]

n. 姿势;态度;立场

v. 故作姿态

【例】[n]姿势  2008年阅读Text 3

Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.


composition [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 作文;乐曲;构成,合成物

【例】[n]乐曲  2011年阅读Text 1

For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one. To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.


opposition [ˌɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 反对;敌对;反对派;在野党

【例】[n]反对  2007年阅读Text 4

Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.


proposition [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 命题;提议;主题;议题

disposition [ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 性情;倾向;处置;部署

【例】[n]性情  2009年翻译

While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.




locate [ləʊˈkeɪt]

v. 找到;设立;确定……的位置

site [saɪt][saɪt]

n. 场地;场所

v. 使坐落在

brain [breɪn]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 大脑;智力;[pl]脑力;智能


【例】[n]大脑  2014年完型

As the brain fades, we refer to these occurrences as “senior moments.”



brainstorm [ˈbreɪnˌstɔː(r)m]

v. 集思广益;集体献计

【例】[n]集思广益  2007年排序

They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically.





term [tɜː(r)m][tɜː(r)m]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 学期;期间;时期;条件;术语;条款;地位

v. 把……称为,把……叫做

【形近词:】determine, determinedly, terminate, terminal, terminally


determine [dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪn]

v. 确定;查明;决定;使下决心;判决,裁定

【例】[n]确定  2007年阅读新题型

Typically, they survey and sample (make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information.


determinedly [dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪndli]

adv. 决然地,断然地

terminate [ˈtɜː(r)mɪneɪt]

v. 使停止,使终止;解雇

terminal [ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)l][ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)l]

adj. 末端的;终点的;定期的;末期的

n. 末端;终点;总站;终端机

terminally [ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)li]

adv. 末期地;晚期地;末端地;终止地



in terms of:根据;就……而言


clause [klɔːz]

n. (法律文书的)条款

【例】[n](法律文书的)条款  2008年阅读Text 4

The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the “peculiar institution,” including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.


increasingly [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli]

词频 ★★★★☆

adv. 不断增加地;越来越多地


【例】[n]增加(此处为increasingly的动词形式)  2016年阅读Text 3

We estimate that either eliminating a substantial labour-rights concern, such as child labour, or increasing corporate giving by about 20% results in fines that generally are 40% lower than the typical punishment for bribing foreign officials.



increased [ɪnˈkriːst]

adj. 增加的;增强的

【例】[adj]增加的  2014年阅读Text 4

To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula that improve students’ ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day.


labor [ˈleɪbə(r)][ˈleɪbə(r)]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 工作;劳动;劳力;劳工

v. 劳动;苦干

【形近词:】laboratory, elaborate, laborsaving, collaborate, collaboratively

【例】[n]劳工  2012年阅读Text 4

The teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.



laboratory [ləˈbɒrət(ə)ri]

n. 实验室;研究室

【例】[n]实验室  2008年阅读Text 2

A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal.


elaborate [ɪˈlæb(ə)rət][ɪˈlæb(ə)rət]

adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的

v. 精心制作;详细计划;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物);变复杂

【例】[adj]精心制作的  2010年阅读Text 1

Newspaper reviews in England before World War II were characterized by ______ ______.

[A] free themes

[B] casual style

[C] elaborate layout

[D] radical viewpoints

【参考译文:】英国二战前的新闻评论以____________ 为特色。

[A] 自由的主题

[B] 随意的风格

[C] 精心的编排

[D] 激进的观点

laborsaving [ˈleɪbə(r)ˈseɪvɪŋ]

adj. 节省劳力的

collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt]

v. 合作;勾结,通敌

【例】[n]合作  2007年阅读新题型

You can start this process when they are 11 or 12. Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with them and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating.


collaboratively [kəˈlæbəreɪtɪvli]

adv. 合作地;协作地

【例】[adv]合作地;协作地  2009年阅读Text 1

Researchers in the late 1960 covered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically, procedurally, relationally (or collaboratively) and innovatively.




workforce [ˈwɜː(r)kˌfɔː(r)s]

n. 劳动力

mobile [ˈməubɑɪl]

词频 ★★★★☆

adj. 可动的;活动的;运动的;移动的;可轻松移动的

【例】[adj]移动的  2015年阅读Text 2

The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.


【例】形式)  2014年完型

detail [ˈdiːteɪl][dɪˈteɪl]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 细节

v. 详述;详细列举(或说明)


The program keeps track of your progress and provides detailed feedback on your performance and improvement.


career [kəˈrɪə(r)]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 事业;职业;生涯;工作岁月;职业生涯

【例】[n]职业  2007年阅读新题型

Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future.


quit [kwɪt]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 离开;退出;停止;放弃;辞职

【例】[n]辞职  2011年阅读Text 2

In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.




resign [rɪˈzaɪn]

v. 辞职;放弃

renounce [rɪˈnaʊns]

v. 放弃;抛弃

depart [dɪˈpɑː(r)t]

v. 离开;出发

【例】[n]离开  2011年阅读Text 2

When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up.


essential [ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l][ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 本质;要点;要素;必不可少的东西

adj. 必要的;必不可少的;本质的;基本的

【例】[adj]必不可少的  2015年阅读Text 3

“I think that, for the majority of scientific papers nowadays, statistical review is more essential than expert review,” he says.




necessary [ˈnesəs(ə)ri][ˈnesəs(ə)ri]

adj. 必要的

n. 必需品

【例】[adj]必要的  2011年阅读Text 1

To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.



vital [ˈvaɪt(ə)l]

adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的

indispensable [ˌɪndɪˈspensəb(ə)l]

adj. 不可缺少的,绝对必要的


core [kɔː(r)][kɔː(r)]

n. 果心;核儿;(问题的)核心;要点;主要业务;主要活动

v. 去掉……的果心;给(水果)去核

【例】[n](问题的)核心  2008年阅读Text 2

In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion.


head [hed][hed]

词频 ★★★★☆

n. 头;头顶;头部;首脑,首长;(公司、组织的)负责人;领导人;头脑;才智

v. 率领;站在……前头;前进;用头撞;顶(球)

【形近词:】headache, go-ahead, headline, headway, headlong, headhunter

【例】[n](公司、组织的)负责人  2011年阅读Text 2

It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.



headache [ˈhedeɪk]

n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头疼的事

go-ahead [ˈɡəuəˌhed]

n. 前进,进步;许可,批准

headline [ˈhedˌlaɪn][ˈhedˌlaɪn]

n. (尤指报纸头版的)标题;大字标题;新闻提要

v. 给加标题;使成为注意中心;在(演出)中担任主演

headway [ˈhedˌweɪ]

n. 前进;进步;航行速度;间隔时间

【例】[n]进步  2009年翻译

If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect, we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.


headlong [ˈhedˌlɒŋ][ˈhedˌlɒŋ]

adj. 轻率的;头朝前的;迅猛的

adv. 头朝前地;迅猛地,莽撞地

【例】[adj]迅猛的  2010年阅读 Text 1

Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.


headhunter [ˈhedˌhʌntə(r)]

n. 猎头,物色人才的人;猎取人头的蛮人

【例】[n]猎头,物色人才的人  2011年阅读 Text 2

For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.




head for:驶向;走向


chief [tʃiːf]

n. 负责人;首领

talent [ˈtælənt]

n. 天资;才能

respect [rɪˈspekt][rɪˈspekt]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 尊敬;重视;遵守;顾及

n. 尊敬,尊重;方面;[pl]敬意;问候

【形近词:】respected, respectable, respectively, irrespectively


respected [rɪˈspektɪd]

adj. 受尊敬的;受重视的;被认可的

respectable [rɪˈspektəb(ə)l]

adj. 值得尊重的;可观的,相当大的;人格高尚的

【例】[adj]值得尊重的  2011年阅读Text 1

Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who is ______.

[A] influential

[B] modest

[C] respectable

[D] talented

【参考译文:】托马西尼认为吉尔伯特是一个 ______ 艺术家。

[A] 有影响力的

[B] 谦逊的

[C] 值得尊重的

[D] 有才能的

respectively [rɪˈspektɪvli]

adv. 分别地,各自地

irrespectively [ˌɪrɪˈspektɪvli]

adv. 无关地



with respect to:关于

in respect of:关于;涉及

【例】关于;涉及  2010年翻译

A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds.



esteem [ɪˈstiːm][ɪˈstiːm]

v. 尊敬;尊重;敬重

n. 尊敬;尊重;敬重

【例】[n]尊敬;尊重  2010年阅读Text 2

Business-method patents lower the esteem for patent holders.


maintain [meɪnˈteɪn]

词频 ★★★★☆

v. 维持;保持;坚持;主张;供给;赡养


【例】[n]保持  2009年阅读Text 1

Ryan’s comments suggest that the practice of standard testing ______.

[A] prevents new habits form being formed

[B] no longer emphasizes commonness

[C] maintains the inherent American thinking model

[D] complies with the American belief system


[A] 阻碍了新习惯的形成

[B] 不再强调平庸

[C] 保持了美国人内在的思维方式

[D] 与美国的信仰体系一致


retain [rɪˈteɪn]

v. 保持;保留;保存;付定金聘请(律师)



uphold [ʌpˈhəʊld]

v. 维持;支持


sustain [səˈsteɪn]

v. 使持续;保持;经受;遭受

primary [ˈpraɪməri]

词频 ★★★★☆

adj. 最初的,初级的;首要的,主要的;基本的

【形近词:】primarily, prime

【例】[adj]首要的  2007年翻译

Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists.



primarily [ˈpraɪm(ə)rəli]

adv. 主要地

【例】[adv]主要地  2007年阅读Text 2

The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children’s version).


prime [praɪm][praɪm][praɪm]

adj. 最好的;首要的

n. 全盛时期;最成功时期

v. 事先指点;使做好准备

【例】[n]全盛时期  2012年阅读Text 4

When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do.




principal [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l]

adj. 最重要的;主要的


central [ˈsentrəl]

adj. 中心的;最重要的

目录 下一单元